Grace Undeserved | Judges 19
Christians must own God as Lord and King for the sake of the Church and the entire world.
Revelations 5 | Worship
It is in the person of Christ that we find the fuel for our praise.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 18
God's people must worship Him sacrificially.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 11:29-40
God still uses His people, even in the midst of impurity, false belief, and foolish actions.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 10:17-11:28
God chooses the unlikely and unqualified to accomplish his plan of redemption for the world.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 10:1-16
God desires for His people to turn away from sin and towards Him.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 9:1-21
Christians are called to a life of faithfulness and integrity.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 7:24-8:35
Personal victory and success should increase our reliance upon Christ as we seek to avoid its pitfalls.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 6:33-7:23
God works within our circumstances to bring about our good for His Glory.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 6:25-32
Christians are called to a life of exclusive faith and radical obedience to the will of God.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 6:1-23
God calls sinners to fulfill his plan and purpose of redemption in the world.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 5
God deserves worship because of who He is and what He does.
Grace Undeserved | Judges 4
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Grace Undeserved | Judges 3:12-31
God Chooses the Least Likely
Grace Undeserved | Judges 3:1-11
Providence and Trial
Grace Undeserved | Judges 2:6-23
Judgement, Mercy & Grace
Grace Undeserved | Judges 1:22-2:5
You Cannot Serve God and Money
Grace Undeserved | Judges 1:1-21
An Introduction to Judges
The Church Has Left the Building | Acts 11:1-18
The Church is fearless and humble in its willingness to recognize and work with other churches.