The only hope and encouragement for the brokenness of the Human soul is Jesus Christ and obedience to his Gospel.

Audio recordings of Beverly Park’s weekly sermons for listeners near and far.
(Due to Facebook’s copyright policy, some videos may be missing. For the complete list of sermons, please visit our Facebook page!)
God uses circumstances that we find troubling to bring about His plan for our good and the good of the whole world.
The Christian, saved by God and filled with His Spirit, lives a life of repentance and faith
The Christian, saved by God and filled with His Spirit, lives a life of repentance and faith.
Christians courageously invade the world as they follow Jesus.
Christians must live as a distinct people that longs to return home as we follow Christ right now.
God grants Christians opportunities to show mercy as living examples of His Gospel to bring about reconciliation.
God intercedes on our behalf, in spite of our sin, to bring about our salvation.
The Christian legacy is inexorably linked to Gospel faithfulness.
The Christian reaches a hostile world with conscientious mercy, faith, and righteousness.
The Christian responds to God’s sovereign providence with thankful worship.
Christians encourage one another during trying times through vocally and covenantally engaging in fearless gospel fellowship.
God preserves a remnant from the predations of sin and the tremendous suffering it brings.
God often chooses unlikely people to use unlikely methods to accomplish His unlikely plans.
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