While the rest of the world is working to get into a place of rest, Christians are working from a place of rest.
Romans 10:8-15 | New Year, Continued Mission
Beverly Park Baptist Church’s Mission:
to transform our neighborhoods with the Gospel by displaying the love of Christ through Christ-centered worship, Spirit-led evangelism, meaningful relationships, and biblical instruction. Our chief aim is to Glorify God, Grow together, and Give back.
1 Samuel 30:21-31 | Rescue Mission [Part 3]
The only hope and encouragement for the brokenness of the Human soul is Jesus Christ and obedience to his Gospel.
1 Samuel 30:11-20 | Rescue Mission [Part 2]
The only hope and encouragement for the brokenness of the Human soul is Jesus Christ and obedience to his Gospel.
1 Samuel 30:1-10 | Rescue Mission [Part 1]
The only hope and encouragement for the brokenness of the Human soul is Jesus Christ and obedience to his Gospel.
1 Samuel 29:1-11 | Blessing In Providence
God uses circumstances that we find troubling to bring about His plan for our good and the good of the whole world.
Thanksgiving Multicultural Combined Service
1 Samuel 28:15-25 | Hidden Sin [Part 2]
The Christian, saved by God and filled with His Spirit, lives a life of repentance and faith
James 1:27
James 1:27 (HCSB)
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
1 Samuel 28:3-14 | Hidden Sin [Part 1]
The Christian, saved by God and filled with His Spirit, lives a life of repentance and faith.
1 Samuel 27:8-28:2 | Take No Prisoners
Christians courageously invade the world as they follow Jesus.
1 Samuel 27:1-7 | Strangers and Sojourners
Christians must live as a distinct people that longs to return home as we follow Christ right now.
1 Samuel 26:13-25 | Mercy & Reconciliation [Part 2]
God grants Christians opportunities to show mercy as living examples of His Gospel to bring about reconciliation.
1 Samuel 26:1-12 | Mercy & Reconciliation [Part 1]
1 Samuel 25:32-44 | David & Abigail [Part 3]
God intercedes on our behalf, in spite of our sin, to bring about our salvation.
1 Samuel 25:18-31 | David & Abigail [Part 2]
1 Samuel 25:2-17 | David & Abigail [Part I]
Jude 17-25 | Contending for the Faith
Christians are to contend for the faith while waiting expectantly on the mercy of Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:5-2:6 | Light in the Darkness